Friday, November 22, 2013

New Land, New Consciousness Now Flood My Brain!

Well, the actual affirmation that accompanies the Ananda Yoga posture known as Halasana, or the Plow Pose, is "New life, new consciousness now flood my brain!"  (Kinda looks like a plow, huh?)

... but it's NEW LAND that's on our minds now!

To wit, this announcement just in from Daiva & Gangamata, the spiritual directors here at Ananda Portland:

Dear Friends,

Just to update you:

We have all the funds needed for the balloon payment (as of yesterday), transferred them to escrow today, and sign the papers on Monday. As of that point, the Campus will be free of the debt to the old owners (confusing, I know, but follow along) and the Land will simply have the old balance of the Campus debt, which is not due for 2.5 years. This is a major milestone in being able to develop a full Ananda Community here in Laurelwood Valley.

Thank you for all your prayers, friendship, support, encouragement, investment…truly, a miracle, as the funds came within 24 hours of needing to be wired in, and missing the due date could have compromised even the campus as well as losing us the land and downpayment…

Whew, and thank you also (especially), Divine Mother, Masters and Swamiji.

Jai Guru, Jai Swamiji, Jai Ananda.


daiva and gangamata

PS Anyone who has been pondering investing, there is still need, and it is more secure than ever…Joy, d

[Email him here:  daiva "at" anandaportland "dot" org]

WELL!!  This, if you've been following, is HUGE!  (That's our favorite word around here... describes the many College buildings perfectly:)

While in seclusion (personal spiritual retreat) on the College campus a week ago, I walked the perimeter of the 175 acres of lush green farmland that surrounds the 50-acre campus.  It was just... SO... beautiful!!  No way to conceive of that extraordinary opportunity slipping away!  But Divine Mother likes us to keep our energy high right up to the last moment!!

Deep, deep gratitude to Daiva, our investors, and all who've been part, and will be part, of this heroic effort.

Now... a new Ananda Community begins!  :-)

Since we're talkin', Manisha and I have NEW email addresses, and I have a NEW phone number (as of today!)—please change 'em in your address book before the old ones go away:

Our NEW email addresses (listing them this way to avoid spambots):
dambara "at" anandaportland "dot" org
manisha "at" anandaportland "dot" org

Dambara's NEW cell:  971-258-8418
Manisha's same cell:  971-258-4196

Our address:
Dambara Begley & Manisha Holm
39497 SW Laurelwood Road
Gaston, OR  97119

And hey, it wouldn't be a complete post without some recent Oregon pics.  Here are six for you.

Love, friendship and gratitude to you all!
Dambara & Manisha

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